Thursday, April 12, 2012

Budget Friendly Homeschooling Tips- Part One

We will soon be closing out our fourth year 
in our homeschooling Adventure!

Wow!  Time has just flown by..

Many things have changed over the years.
One of them....


At the beginning of this adventure (homeschooling is an adventure!), I had a set budget that was every easy for us 
to manage financially.  But as time went by, things changed and so
did our budget.
I was forced to find cheaper budget friendly options.
The following are some tips I have learned over the
years to keep my homeschooling curriculum 
 budget friendly.  

This is part one in my Budget Friendly Homeschool Tips Series:

there are many sites like that sell gentle used curriculum.
Curriculum that would cost over a hundred dollars can be found for less than half price most of the time.

Borrow from a Friend
If you have friends that homeschool, ask if you can borrow teacher guides, student text and answer keys.  Then return the favor!

Work text Books

Curriculum like ACE and Christian Light Education are work-text based.  Each book can be purchased individuality.  They 
sell for around $3.20 each and make a great budget friendly option.
It's a great way to began the school year with limited funds.. .. you just purchase what you need, when you need it.

These are just a few amazing tips that I have learned during 
my years of teaching my girls.. 
Next week , I will be sharing with you some great sites with free
So stay tuned.... there's a lot more to come.

Feminine Adventures


  1. Thank you for the suggestions--I hadn't considered trading books with a friend! Thanks for linking up at Thrifty Thursday too!

  2. Trading with my friend has been a huge blessing to our family.


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Scripture of the Month

1 Thessalonians 5:24
Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.

He is faithful to do all He has promised in his Word. I'm so glad that he is faithful to meet our needs and to give us our wants. There is no one Greater than OUR LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST!
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