Tuesday, July 21, 2009

More Character Trait Lessons added

I have been busy writing my Character trait lessons. So far, I have been able to write one a day! Please feel free to use them, make changes where you want to.
I have posted the otter story to go with the responsable lesson. Check back often, I will be adding to it as I finish each lesson.


  1. Shelby,
    Thank you for your swift reply. Too bad that they are not in print anymore :-(( Do they still have anymore copies of ebay? I shall be using the lessons you have posted on your blog. Thanks for the work you do.


  2. Cindy,
    I do not know if they have any on ebay right now, just type in Character Sketches and see if they have some. I am glad you think they are good. The Lord gets all the glory! He is the one who put the burden on my heart to do this. I will be writing more, (trying to get them written before we start school, well at least quite a few of them)
    Enjoy them!

  3. Shelby~
    I LOVE your site, it is decorated so cute!

    Katie (MamaBear)

  4. Thanks! I am really having fun with this!


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Scripture of the Month

1 Thessalonians 5:24
Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.

He is faithful to do all He has promised in his Word. I'm so glad that he is faithful to meet our needs and to give us our wants. There is no one Greater than OUR LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST!
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