written by Ken Ham
Ken Ham, author and founder of Answers in Genesis . has written another great book dealing with the true account of Adam and Eve.
In it you will explore questions of Adam and Eve as real people in the Garden of Eden.
This book is easy to read and understand.
Your child will understand where mankind's history began, how it has impacted our world, and how it will end.
I like the fact that Ken Ham has written this book in an easy to understand manner. If you are like me, I have told the story about Adam and Eve to my girls for years and years... its one of the first I told them growing up... but with this book, you will get a clearer and thought provoking study about the first man and woman. I also love that He ties in the salvation message and explains why we must carry this message to the world around us.
Inside the pages of The True account of Adam and Eve, you will find many color filled illustrations.
Here are a few examples of pages inside:
See full page illustrations!
YOU can find The True account of Adam and Eve at any book store. This is one that you will want for an additional read for history.
If you are using Mystery of History or Diana Warings History Revealed, this book would make a great supplement reader.
The True Account of Adam and Eve is published by Master Books, a division of New Leaf Publishing Group.