
Friday, December 31, 2010

Were has the time gone

New Years Eve is already here.  Were has the time gone!  It just seems like yesterday that 2010 was just beginning.  Now It is the last day of 2010. 

So much has passed during this year.  Wow, I can't believe it. 

Happy New Year Images

Happy New Years everyone!

So tell me what are you doing this year to celebrate!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What is Christianity all about? a book review of Radical by David PLatt

Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream   -     
        By: David Platt
I received this book from Multnomah Bloger for Books. They send you a book, you read it and then you write a review. I thought why not read it and see what Platt has to say.

I could read the first few pages and then I had to go find a pen so I could under line some of his statements, you know just so I could go back to them. I agree with what He says that we have to choose what we as Americans consider to be a common Christian that only goes to church and then life as normal or we choose to do what Jesus did. Reach the world, your community for Christ.

Platt challenges us to not just be a Christian that does nothing, but to be a Radical Christian that will do what Jesus did to reach the lost. Most of us as Christians don't want to get out of our comfort zones. Platt challenges us to do just that.

I liked the book, it made me take a look at my life and see what I could do different to reach others for Christ.

Pick the book up and take the challenge.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas from My Family to Yours

Its the night before, the night before Christmas

Its the night before, the night before Christmas
and all through the House
everyone was screaming, even the mice
there was so much that needed to be done
time was short, and no one to help
Last minute shopping, baking and wrapping

OK, This is what I am feeling like today!   So much needs to be done, and I don't know how it will all get done, but I am sure in the spirit of the Holiday My family will come to my aid...

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Holiday Baking

I have started my holiday baking.  Since my family loves peanut butter, I have decided  to try a new recipe. 
I love finding new recipes.   Searching  the Internet is the funnest, fastest, and easiest way to find what you need.  I found this recipe for: (although I changed some of the recipe a little)

Peanut Butter Balls

Here's the recipe:

1 cup powder sugar
1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
3 tablespoon butter (soften)

Mix the three ingredients together.  Mix well.  Shape into 1 inch balls, place on a waxed cookie sheet.  Place in freezer for 20 min.

(This is the part that I changed)
Take 3 squares of Chocolate Bark and 1 cup of semi sweet chocolate chips, melt in the microwave.  Dip each ball and place on the wax papered  sheet.  I place my dipped balls in the freezer until they are dried. 

It makes 30. 

My family is in Love with them! Now, If I can keep some around for Christmas!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Picture Wednesday

Today I just can't seem to get warm. So, How are you suppose to go to school when Mom is in bed with blankets all over you! This is how:

Janelle and I working on English, while I am in bed covered up to the chin!

Kalyn and I working on English also!! The girls thought it was fun, while I am still trying to get warm! Happy Homeschooling everyone!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Thrifty Monday

Trying to save money? With Christmas and New Year's around the Cornor, we are all trying to save money. This is what brings me to my new Thrifty Monday post.

I have been on a search to find ways to be thrifty and save some money. I have heard that if you cook from scratch that you can save money. I can't see a whole lot of savings at one time, but it is there. Hey, every penny counts right!

My family loves Mexican food. They love Salsa. I make homemade salsa that is cheep, cheep, cheep! Here is my money saving recipe.
1 can crushed tomatoes (24or 28 oz can)
1/2 bunch of cilantro
1 yellow or red onion
jalapenos ( one to two or how many you want) Watch out it could get very hot.
1 lime

In a food processor, chop all veggies together. Open the can of tomatoes and stir together. Add salt and garlic powder to taste. Squeeze the juice of one lime into salsa. Stir well and enjoy.

I keep the salsa in the fridge. Best part of all, it is cheap, cheap, cheap. (around $2.00 for all of it!)


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Radical, what does this mean?

I have began reading the book Radical by David Platt. Now this is not a book review so don't worry. I read the title and thought, What does this word really mean?
The dictionary says:
1. arising from, going to the root or source; basic
2. departing from the usual or customary; extreme
Getting back to the basics of Christianity, is that what he will be getting at in his book. Mind you that I have only read a few pages, but what a thought, departing from the culture of today's churches and getting back to what Jesus told us in the Word. The basics! I see that, yes, today's culture is different than what it once was. But the Word of God is the same, it does not change. So why should we? Basic Christianity, where we help each other, uplift each other, work in our community to bring people into the family of God. That is what it is all about! I hope and pray that maybe some of this is what he is talking about. We will see, I will post something later after I have finished reading it.... so until then...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas Time Is Here

Well Christmas is approaching very fast. With all the busyness that comes with the season, let us take time out to remember the reason of the season: Jesus!

My girls took it upon themselves to decorate our tree this year.

I think they did a great job! Now all I have to do, is start my shopping!!!!

Until next time,

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Food for Thought....

Well it has been a long time since I last posted anything. The last six or seven months have been crazy for our family. Now that everything is semi normal, I thought I would share some thoughts with you.

My grandpa passed away at the beginning of October. He lived a very long fulfilling life. At his funeral, I heard a story about him. He worked as an off shore oil rigger. He would car pool with other guys. At the end of their shift, all the guys would go to a bar and get drinks and you know that kind of stuff. My grandpa would stay in the car since he did not drink, he was a Christian, so he just sat there and waited for the guys. At grandpa funeral, one of the men who worked with him told my family this story.

It made me start thinking about my life... .... we have a legacy that we will carry with us long after we are gone from this world. The way we live our life, what we tell people, how we treat others, all these are the image of what we will leave behind. What will people say about me, will they say that I am a loving, caring person. Do I help others? Am I selfish; I pray not. Do I show gentleness, kindness to strangers? I have asked myself, what kind of legacy will I leave behind?
I have started praying that in everything that I do,every life that I touch, that I will leave a impression of Christ. After all, is not what a Christian should be doing, showing Christ!
I don't know, but this is some food for thought... something to chew on for awhile. .... What kind of legacy am I leaving with the ones my life touches?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Amish Proverbs..... Words of Wisdom

We all have heard those cute and thought provoking sayings. Suzanne Fisher has written a book called AMISH PROVERBS.... WORDS OF WISDOM FROM THE SIMPLE LIFE. It is a fun and great book with may sayings. IN the book each chapter begins with a history of the Amish life. The history is very intersting and worth taking notes from. There are many colorful pages that keeps your attention. The Chapters contain things from time to money to work ethic..... Here is a few of my favorite quotes:

Nothing lasts forever, not even your troubles.

Parents who are afraid to put their foot down usually have children who step on their toes.

We need old friends to help us grow old and new friends to help us stay young.

I love this book... That is why I want to share it with you. If you will leave me a comment on my blog I will pull a name and send the winner a copy! Oh.... and one more thing Suzanne is hosting a contest.... just go to Suzanne's site and sign up..... you could win a Kindle.....

On September 1st Suzanne will announce the winner on her Facebook page.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Bishop by Steven James

I am a sucker for a good mystery, and boy can Steven James write them! I was hooked the from the first page. FBI agent Patrick Bowers is on the hunt again for the murderer. He suspects someone form the beginning but has a hard time finding the evidence of it. This book takes so many twists and turns that it was hard for me to figure out who the bad guy was. I like it when I can't figure out the ending of a book.... and this one was just that....

Great book.... very good read...... If you want a little excited reading, pick up this book!

Happy Reading Everyone!

Monday, July 26, 2010

So Over it.... Book Review

So over it, by Stephanie Morrill

This is the third book in the reinvention of Skylar Hoyt series.

Skylar is now an adult.... and still trying to figure what to do with her life. The reinventing of herself is in the process. She is still trying to get over her love... Connor. How can she, with him still calling? Skylar thinks spending the summer in Hawaii will help her get over Connor and she could find herself. Nothing ever goes as you expect, as Skylar finds out.

I really liked this book. It was a great read. It kept my attention, and I think I finished it within a few days. Only warning.... it deals with some adult issues that young teens may not understand. I believe this book would be a good read for older teens.

Have a great time reading everyone!

Happy Reading!!!!

until next time,


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Well, let it be said that summer is not always a fun, relaxing time! We have just been busy. We have started our summer school..... this is the first time that we have decided to school during the summer. I did not think that I would like it, but so far it is working out great. I have just scheduled two subjects to work on during the day. Math, English and quiet reading time. So far I have not had too many complaints, but what can we do all day long in the summer. Think of it, they get bored and then get in trouble.... so my solution : SCHOOL ......
Kalyn has started to want to read more. I am so thrilled!!!!!! My hubby and I took the girls to the Christian Book store this last weekend. We were just looking around and all of a sudden Kalyn comes to me and says "Mom, can I buy this book".... I was like sure, go ask Daddy. I was so thrilled... I love to read and any time I can share my love for books with my girls, I do. Needless to say, We did not walk out of the store with one but three books.... two for Kalyn, One with five stories in it for Janelle and One for me of course! Now we all take time out of the day and just sit and read together.... I love it! I'm going to make them bookworms yet!!!!!
Until next time,


Friday, May 28, 2010

Life is not always easy......

Well, life is not always easy..... I have heard this statement many times growing up as I am sure you have. My life surely has not been lately!!!! I was hoping that we would be all settled in by now, but that is not the case....... I have been finding myself depressed and down too, but I know it is because I don't feel at home right now. It seems that we are in this jumbled mess and we will never get out of it! I have to keep telling myself that to just hold on a little longer, and all will be well! but do you know how hard it is to do! This week has been bad but I pray that next week will get better and we will be ok.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

We have moved...

to Missouri! It not easy to move in the middle of school, but it was a needed move. We are staying with family until our house is ready to be lived in. We had renters that totally destroyed the inside of our house. We have had to tear out floors in the kitchen, and both bathrooms. The carpet has been taken out as well. I hope that we can get all this stuff done within a few weeks, but hubby has job interview this week, and if he starts working next week than we will be slower finishing our house. I hope by the end of May, we will be in the house. The girls have taken days off of school to help at the house. They really have been good helpers. Yesterday, I had them washing walls, sweeping ceilings and such. What they want to do is paint!!! At least they are having fun. Who knew that they thought all this work is fun!!! lol Only if they really knew how much they are really doing!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy Good Friday!!!

Happy Good Friday everyone..... Friday is here, but.....SUNDAY IS ON THE WAY!!

Thank you for coming to die on that old rugged cross to save us from our sins.

He's Alive, He's Alive.... he has risen from the dead and his is Lord!!!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I Love God's Green Earth!

With earth day coming up, I thought I would give a review of this book.
This book is full of devotions about how God created the earth with tips for keeping the Earth clean. Each day has a devotion, a connection; what can I do to help, and tips. The jokes though out the book are funny and my girls loved them. It is a very good book written for young children.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Scattered Petals by Amanda Cabot

A few days ago, I decided that I needed a break from all the packing I was doing. So, I sat down and began to read this book: Scattered Petals. I think I finished it in a few days time!

Now a little about this book:

Priscilla Morton talks her family into traveling to her bother in laws wedding in the Texas Hill Country. Tragedy hits while on the road leaving Priscilla heartbroken and wondering what to do next. She finds help and friendship, but can she find what she needs the most: healing?

I truly enjoyed reading this book. It had some sad and heart wrenching moments, but it was well worth it in the end! If you have time and love to read good, clean, Christian novels: pick this one up. This is another book that I will keep on the shelf to read again.

Happy Reading everyone!


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Book Review: A Distant Melody

Wow, What can I say about this book! I started reading and could not put it down. This is a Historical fiction novel that takes place during World War II.
A Distant Melody is the first book in the Wings of Glory series. This is Sarah Sundin's first novel. I can't wait to read her other up and coming books.
Allie meets a man, Walt, at her friends wedding. Walt is a solider, about to be shipped overseas. Walt is captivated by Allie and wants to write her, but Allie is engaged to be married. What is going to happen?
So many different things happened during this book that kept me reading to find out what had happened. I am not going to give the ending away, but you should really read this book.
I think I will be reading it again soon!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Oh the Joys of Monday....

Oh the joys of waking up on a Monday morning.
I walked out of my room this morning and tried to make my coffee. I surveyed my kicten and living room, and wonder what happened! It looked as if a bomb exploded in the house. I had to move stuff, rearrange, find, and then finally got my coffee started.
What Happened to my Clean House!!!!
Why is it that every Monday It looks the same???????????
What happens on the weekends that makes it such a Mess????????????
Granted we were not even home..... is there such a thing as a weekend monster that comes in unknowingly and destroys your home.
OH the joys of Monday cleaning.....

Monday, February 22, 2010

What a Weekend....

What a weekend we had! I arrived at my mother's house Thursday evening with my girls. We worked on wedding flowers until late in the evening. Friday morning we all gathered and had mannies and peddies done. ( Don't know why I did it, because my hands look terrible after I cooked and decorated Friday afternoon.) Can you believe that was the first time I had a pedicure done!!! Yes, I am odd, I don't ever take time for myself but I was glad I did..... It was so nice.

My daughters bday was Friday, so we had a birthday/ pre wedding party Friday night.

The Party spread!

The Birthday girl with one of her many gifts.

The Wedding Saturday morning was very nice. My Sister was a beautiful bride.

The Happy Couple!

The weekend came to an end way too fast! One down , two more to go.....

It seems unreal that in a few weeks my sister in law will be getting married, then in May our niece will be walking down the aisle. In between a family reunion...... Wonder what the summer will bring our way!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I hate being sick!!!!!!

UGGGGGGH! I hate being sick. I woke up Monday morning all stuffed up and feeling yuck! We had a cold front move in and it got me...... I can't be sick. I don't have the time to be sick.

But it never fails when ever I am busy, something in body goes wrong!

I am so excited my sister is getting remarried Saturday!!!!! Her first husband passed away over 18 yrs ago. (She was a teen bride.) Now, she is getting married to a wonderful man on Saturday. I have a long list of Sisterly duties to preform between now and Saturday, but what joy and fun it will be!

I am going to need lots to pray! lol.... Her wedding is at 11am , and we are all going to be at my mother's house getting ready, plus I have to have the food cooked before the wedding.....So I think I will be up early, early, early to get is done.

Well, the family is calling for breakfest..... so until next time,

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Valentine Memories

In the spirit of Valentine's Day, lets take a walk down memory lane.
I meet the love of my life at the ripe old age of 12. I did not start dating him until I was 15. We were just friends. YOU DON'T NEED TO BE DATING AT 12 ANYWAY!!!!!
He is the best thing that has happened to me. What can be the greatest thing, but to marry the man who is your best friend. I love my hubby. He makes all his girls feel special. Instead of exchanging gifts this yr., he took all of us ladies to eat at a fancy Mexican restaurant. He's the best!

I was reading my Sunday school lesson for Sunday when it hit me, why not talk about Love, agape love. The love that Christ has for his people. Agape love means unconditional love, loving us when we are unlovable, and loving others when they are unlovable. Wow! Christ loved us even when we were sinners. Do we put regulations on our loving others? Do we say I will love you only if you do this or that? Wonder what we would do if Christ said that to us?

We could speak every language to known to man, know ever thing there is to know, have all the money in the world, but if we do not have love..... than it is for nothing!

I love reading 1 Cor. 13 in the Bible. Every time I read it, it gives me a new understanding of the kind of love we should show others around us.

What does Charity (love)do:

  • kind
  • sufferth long
  • envith not
  • is not puffed up ( prideful)

Our example!!!

Take some time to show God's love to others.....

Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Dreams that won't let Go

I recently had the opportunity to read DREAMS THAT WON'T LET GO by Stacy Adams.

Indigo Burns is excited about her wedding. She has the man of her dreams, and everything is fine. That i s until her long lost brother shows back up. Now Indigo is faced with facts that she does not know if she can or really wants to deal with.

Every family has their problems. The Burns family is no different.

Stacy Adams wrote about a family that has had problems and secrets. In the story she brings out that the only way to heal over past hurts is to get it all "out in the open". I love the way she has wrote this novel. I am sure this story will speak to others in situations like the Burns family has experienced.

Dreams the won't let Go speaks about forgiveness and healing.
Looking for an uplifting book to read: consider this one.

Until next time

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Family update!

Well, it has been awhile since I have just updated everyone on your family. I guess now is as great of time as any to do so. December was a very busy month for us. We had a great Christmas play at church. I was very proud of our girls. I thought that after Christmas was over, things would calm down, but no that does not seem to happen with us! January was worse than ever. We are behind a little in school, but I have just set myself to keep going and when we finish these books, we will start the new.

Change is in the air for our family. We are praying for answers to our prays. The Lord has shown us some things. So needless to say, the next few months changes will happen in our family. I am excited to see what will happen! I am also scared to death! I do know that the Lord is in control even though we do not see him at work or feel Him at work. I stand on this daily. I don't know what the Lord has planned for us, but this I do know: He has it all in his hands.

I have started to sell hair pins. Elegant hair pins! take a look:My sales have been better than I have expected. I am excited about it all.
Well thanks for reading my blog.
until next time

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Taco Rice Skillet Meal

Tonight I made Taco Rice Skillet Meal by Mixes form the Heartland. What can I say, easy, easy, easy. It took no time at all. Everyone in the house loved it. I would say that you could use chicken and sausage instead of hamburger meat. Great variety with a delicious mix. Great product, you will not be disappointed.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Songs of Deliverance Book Review

Songs of Deliverance by Marilynn Griffith

Meet Zeely, Brian, Ron, and Grace. All of them come back to the small town they grew up with baggage. Their lives are intertwined with things form the past and present. One thing that plauges them, can they get over the past and get on with thier lives?

I read the first paragraph, and said wait a minute did I miss the begaining. The story starts with a bang! At first I thought I missed something, but no. There is no setting a stage, you start from what you would think is the middle. I was a little confused, but after reading the first couple of pages, I was into the story. Do you want a story with lots of drama? Pick this book! It has drama! One page I was laughing, the next crying. I really enjoyed reading this book. I believe you will too.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Mixes form the Heartland review

I recently had the chance to try Mixes form the Heartland Products. I made the Harvest Chicken-n- rice soup. I used there can chicken(Texas Goober Gourmet Heat and serve Chicken). Now every time I open a can of canned chicken, their is always a taste. You know from the can taste. Not this time! Wow, the chicken tasted like it was freshly boiled. The soup tasted great and was easy to prepare. It only took me 20 min. to have dinner on the table. I have a family of picky eaters, but they came back for 2nds and 3rds! The Mix comes with everything you need to make you soup, all you have to do is add the chicken. If you do like I did , it is easy as pie. The soup mix makes a lot, so no need to worry about it not feeding all in the family. The only thing I will say is that if you want a soup with lots of juice, you may want to add more water. But that is just my opinion. I loved this product and I can wait to try more. Take a look at their site : you will find great products that are healthy for you and your family with out all the extra preservatives and gluten's. If you want to eat healthy but want some fast and easy mixes give them a try. You will not be sorry. Shelby

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Coulples Busy Guide to sharing the work and the Joy Book Review

The word is Busy! We are all busy, no matter if you work a job outside the home, or you homeschool like me. My life has just seemed to get busier and busier. When this book came up for review, I jumped at the chance to read it. What a great book! It is packed with helpful, easy solutions for the stressed out, overworked mom who just needs some extra help with managing things on the home front. Sure my hubby helps me out around here, but I could always use the extra help.
This book is packed with step by step things to do to help you become less stressed with the things that can stress a mom and your family out. I for one really enjoyed the stress management worksheet.... boy did I ever know that I was (and still am) stressed. Your family is affected when you and your spouse can't agree on how the home should be kept. This book will help. I have enjoyed it and I am planning to read it again.
By the way, I get nothing for writing this review, just the pleasure of reading this book.