
Monday, July 26, 2010

So Over it.... Book Review

So over it, by Stephanie Morrill

This is the third book in the reinvention of Skylar Hoyt series.

Skylar is now an adult.... and still trying to figure what to do with her life. The reinventing of herself is in the process. She is still trying to get over her love... Connor. How can she, with him still calling? Skylar thinks spending the summer in Hawaii will help her get over Connor and she could find herself. Nothing ever goes as you expect, as Skylar finds out.

I really liked this book. It was a great read. It kept my attention, and I think I finished it within a few days. Only warning.... it deals with some adult issues that young teens may not understand. I believe this book would be a good read for older teens.

Have a great time reading everyone!

Happy Reading!!!!

until next time,


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Well, let it be said that summer is not always a fun, relaxing time! We have just been busy. We have started our summer school..... this is the first time that we have decided to school during the summer. I did not think that I would like it, but so far it is working out great. I have just scheduled two subjects to work on during the day. Math, English and quiet reading time. So far I have not had too many complaints, but what can we do all day long in the summer. Think of it, they get bored and then get in trouble.... so my solution : SCHOOL ......
Kalyn has started to want to read more. I am so thrilled!!!!!! My hubby and I took the girls to the Christian Book store this last weekend. We were just looking around and all of a sudden Kalyn comes to me and says "Mom, can I buy this book".... I was like sure, go ask Daddy. I was so thrilled... I love to read and any time I can share my love for books with my girls, I do. Needless to say, We did not walk out of the store with one but three books.... two for Kalyn, One with five stories in it for Janelle and One for me of course! Now we all take time out of the day and just sit and read together.... I love it! I'm going to make them bookworms yet!!!!!
Until next time,
